Daisy's Life

Friday, October 28, 2005

The Couch

The couch before I got up this morning.

The couch after I got up this morning

I don't know why my mom thought this was so funny. I had put every thing where I wanted it. I really worked hard on this and then she had to come clean it up. At least now everyone knows that I have a better sense of style than she does. She has to have the blankets just so and the pillows just right. That's so boring. This speaks of power and excitement. She should really have thanked me instead of cleaning it up. What will her friends think when they come over and see how she likes it? I'll tell you what they will think, they'll think she is boring and they will probably say "why don't you let Daisy decorate for you." Yeah, that's what they'll say.


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