I think the squirrels and I have reached an agreement . . . for now. They agree now to mess with the plants and I agree not to bite there furry little hineys. However, I do not trust them. With this in mind I have continued with my patrols.

Like tonight for instance. Mom said it was raining and that the squirrels probably would not be out in the rain. That is probably just want they wanted me to believe. So I put on my ducky raincoat and told mom to let me out. I had a job to do.

This is me doing my job. You can't see me very well but that's a good thing. If you can't see me that well that means that the squirrels couldn't see me that well either.
After I finished my patrol I stayed on the porch to scan for enemy activity. Just because I need to protect mom's plants from squirrels doesn't mean I have to get really wet doing it.