I've Been Taged

1. My worst enemy in the world is mom's big, blue exercise ball. I hate that thing and I will kill it one day.

2. I don't get my nails clipped, I have my manicurist (AKA, Mom) file them down for me.

3. I won't go out in the rain unless I'm wearing a super-cute rain coat. Actually, any raincoat will do, I just don't want to get wet. If Mom sends me out in the rain without my coat on I just stand on the patio and look at her like she is crazy until she figures out that she forgot to put my coat on me.

4. Every once in a while I get the urge to walk around my house with my blanket over my back. I have had my blanket since mom got me and I love it. I'll walk around with it on my back for about ten minutes and then I'll get tired and take it off and not do it again for a few weeks.

5. Last but not least. Tomatoes. Just the word sets me all a quiver. I love tomatoes. I love love love tomatoes. They are my favorite treat in the entire world. I love them more than liver treats. Sometimes, when I go outside, I'll get one off of mom's plants and eat it. I can still remember the first time I tasted a tomato. Mom was sitting on the couch eating one and she let me have a lick. She saw how much I liked it so she look them up to see if they were bad for me. Well they're not so now, whenever mom is cutting up a tomato, I get a bite for myself.
Now for the other doggies that I'm going to tag.