Evil Puppy

When I went outside to potty I found several big tree branch had fallen off the trees around my house. They were solid ice. I ate a few pieces of the ice before my mom realized what I was doing. She wouldn't let me eat any more though. Mmmmmm, ice.
While I was out to potty I also saw a robin in the icy apple tree in the back yard. He was all hunkered down to stay warm. He needed a pink sweater. I got my mom to take a picture of him because I thought it was pretty.
We finally got power back on around 5:00. I had stayed warm with my mom under a bunch of blankets in the living room though it only got down to 55 degrees in the house. Which is pretty good considering it was around freezing outside. We watched a movie on the portable DVD player that had a battery pack. I was pretty happy when the power came back on. I could finally stretch out and chew on my greenie. I like to chew on it in the middle of the floor so everyone has to step over me.
Wow, what a day.